LIVE Updates from Putrajaya Federal Court – RPK’s ISA Trial

Updated. Live coverage from Putrajaya Federal Court for RPK's ISA trial.

(11:10AM) The judgement is reserved. Court adjourned till the judges make their decision.

(10:48AM) Court has taken a recess for 30 minutes.

(10:47AM) Malik asking for change of panel of judges for appeal.

(10:33AM) Among the points of argument – No reason why panel of judges cannot be reconstituted. 

(10:17AM) Malik arguing on points of apparent bias, unconstitutional and unlawful for the applications which were dismissed. – For reasons of why unconstitutional and unlawful, please check last week's reports on the applications' dismissals.

(10:09AM) Judges approve the application to review.

(10:05AM) Malik applying to the court to review all four (4) applications which were dismissed last week.

(9:59AM) Malik Imtiaz introducing the defence team, National Bar Council has an observer present.

(9:57AM) Judges arrive and court is starting now. The motion to review the four (4) motions filed by RPK last week which were dismissed last week.
