Woman in sex DVD wanted

MALAYSIAN police want to interview the woman who was filmed performing oral sex with former Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said police were looking for her following two reports lodged recently in Ampang and Petaling Jaya.

'We are investigating the case under Section 377A of the Penal Code for carnal intercourse against the order of nature as the two people who lodged the reports claimed that there was oral sex in the DVD.

'We hope she will come forward and assist in investigations so that we can wrap up the case.''

Dr Chua, who admitted to being the one featured in the sex video clip, resigned from all party and government posts on Jan 2 last year, following the revelation and circulation of the DVD.

He has since made a return to politics and became the MCA deputy president.

It was learnt that the woman is currently in a neighbouring country and police are now interviewing witnesses in connection with the case.

Musa said that besides Section 377A, police were also investigating the matter under Section 292 of the Penal Code for possession and distribution of the video clip.

He said police wanted to know who was behind the distribution of the DVD which first surfaced in late 2007.

On Feb 11, a 51-year-old man from Kelana Jaya found the DVD inside an envelope in his postbox when he returned home.

The man was shocked to find pornographic content and lodged a report at the Kelana Jaya police station. — THE STAR
