Assembly under raintree is a disgrace, says Perak BN

(The Star) – IPOH: The Perak Barisan Nasional government has described the emergency state assembly sitting under the raintree as a disgrace to the House besides being disrespectful to the Sultan.

State Industry, Investments, Entrepreneur Development, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Women Affairs Committee chairman Hamidah Osman said the action was also “a slap” to the assembly, the law and the Pakatan assemblymen who were present.

“As elected representatives, they should behave as such,” she said yesterday, adding that their actions proved that they were not interested in serving the people.

“If they are not interested in serving the people, they should tender their resignation letters and allow for fresh polls in their constituencies,” she added, noting that they should let Barisan serve their constituents.

State Health, Local Government, Consumer Affairs, Environment, Public Transportation and Non-Islamic Affairs Committee chairman Dr Mah Hang Soon said the incident should be an eye-opener to the people.

“It shows how power-crazy Pakatan is,” he said, adding that the Opposition went to the extent of interpreting the law themselves.

State Information, Rural Development, Poverty Eradication, Plantation and Welfare Committee chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad urged the Pakatan assemblymen to behave like mature politicians and not like schoolchildren.

State Infrastructure, Public Utilities, Energy and Water Committee chairman Datuk Ramly Zahari said Pakatan’s move had made the Perak Assembly a laughing stock of the world.

“With the state’s image marred, it will be very difficult to rebuild it,” he said, adding that Pakatan’s move also confused the people as they were left questioning what has happened to the state.

State Arts, Culture, Youth and Sports Com­mittee chairman Zainal Fadzi Paharuddin said the move was just a show to cover up their own weaknesses.

He noted that since both sides had filed their cases in court, they should allow the law to take its course.

State Secretary Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Hashim declined to comment.
