‘Sour grapes’ fed govt may derail Khalid’s 90-days maternity leave plan

(Suara keADULan) – In another senseless bout of negative politicking, the federal government is already trying to shoot down a plan by Pakatan Rakyat Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim to extend maternity leave of civil servants in Selangor to 90 days from 60 day previously.

Said Public Services Department director-general Ismail Adam: “There may be legal implication to the pension payment.”

He did not give further details. Unsurprisingly, he was accused of being “sour grapes” by several groups.

“We hope the federal government would also follow suit and increase maternity leave for female civil servants throughout the country to 84 days or 90 days,” said Cuepacs president Omar Osman.

Federal government would do well to keep its own promises

Omar said Khalid’s move was in line with requirements of the International Labour Organisation. He also pointed out that former Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil had also previously promised to increase maternity leave to 84 days.

“The previous entitlement of 60 days’ leave may be enough for some people but there are also mothers who need extra days to attend to a sick child and emergency matters. We hope that the federal government can materialise its promise as soon as possible.”

In conjunction with International Women’s Day and the first anniversary of Malaysia’s watershed March 8, 2008 general election that saw the Pakatan sweep to power in Selangor, Khalid had announced a slew of good news.

Apart from increased maternity leave, paternity leave would also be raised to 14 days from seven previously. Female staff whose husbands passed away would also get 30 days’ compassionate leave.
