RPK & Bloggers.. N29 Batang Ai..?

Bloggers and “outsiders” are the main topics which are hogging the front pages of major newspapers in Sarawak.

In the last few days, including todays tabloid, DCM Jabu lashed out at those “outside the state “who do not know the local Iban customs and traditions while coming to the state on the campaign trail. 

A political observer said to audie61 that”there are bigger issues to address in the state especially the economy, unemployment, foreign workers issue, education instead of this small and petty issue.” 

Is he not up with the times? It seems that the statement which Jabu played up was when the Dayaks in PKR were just a minority. Their numbers have swelled everywhere in the state and the Dayak leaders have since observed all the customs and adat now.

