MAIS Wants Agnes Monica’s Song Declared Haram
The Selengor Islamic Council (MAIS) wants action to be taken to declare haram an Indonesian song entitled Allah Peduli (Allah Cares) because its lyrics, among other things, says "…sebab Allah Yesusku mengerti (…because my Allah Jesus is meaningful)."
MAIS chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa said although he has not heard the song, it is appropriate to declare it haram considering that the song touches on sensitivity that affects the question of religion.
"In Islam, our belief in Allah does not have the same meaning as god which is worshipped other than Allah and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger, it is clear that we acknowledge Allah is One, therefore a prohibiton of the use of Allah by other religions is to avoid confusion among Muslims" he told reporters here Friday.
He was asked to comment on the songs by Indonesian singer Agnes Monica. In that song, the word Allah is repeated several times and the words 'because my Allah Jesus is meaningful' is heard in the final verse of the song which runs for 3 minutes 40 seconds.
"There is among us who do not understand the lyrics and sing it blindly. The lyrics affect our faith unconsciously," said Mohamad Adzib.
He said MAIS will declare the song haram and will withdraw all albums in circulation that contain this song to scrutinise it.
"We are asking the relevant authorities at the Federal level to monitor and take appropriate action to protect the sanctity of Islam," he said. (Bernama)