Dr Mahathir’s Chloroform
Mahathir's relentless manoeuvring to have Najib replace Abdullah Badawi as the Prime Minister through the past four tenacious years is nearing fruition. All he needs now is another two weeks to savour his ripening fruit.
Needless to say, with the tremendous opposition from the people towards Najib's infamous heavy baggage, Mahathir knows that the coming two weeks will be the most crucial, what with the possible threat from the Anwar-Badawi lunch.
After lying low lately to monitor the fluid turn of events, he is now at his full-spinning best. The master of psycological trickery is making all the correct statements in his devious attempt to regain confidence from the still many readily gullible Malaysians. All his statements on Najib's Perak fiasco could have been made by us, which we in fact did right after the Feb 5 power grab. Of course Mahathir buat tak tahu at that time lest their evil plan be derailed outright.
Obviously, they did not forsee their power grab turning into a fiasco a few weeks later. It was sheer speed without accuracy. The fact that Mahathir is now making his fair-sounding statements after the confirmed fiasco is just an act a la Mahathir to distance himself so as to behave 'impartially' to point out the wrong done, ostensibly to amass weightage for his statements now and in the future. It's an obvious display of 'good cop, bad cop' with two weeks to go, to regain some deference from the gullible. Any average analyst would agree that Mahathir was AT LEAST privy to the scam on Perak spearheaded by his protege.
No sooner than his obvious statements on Perak ended, came further 'statesmanlike' statements that were meant to deceive and confuse the masses. Acting like a true statesman, he 'warned' UMNO that corrupt leaders not be elected or selected lest the people would not vote BN. Well and good. But the reality is, you and I know that Mahathir is no statesman, there are no clean and patriotic Umnoputras, and the majority has lost all trust in BN.
His latest call on Najib to pick a clean cabinet is akin to asking a hyena to select vegetarians from a pack of wolves. With all these 'animals' having been bred and raised by Mahathir himself, we can only infer that the call for a clean cabinet is more for the people's consumption than for Najib's. All these well-said and feel-good statements are just desperate attempts to realign the people's trust back to UMNO/BN. These are Dr Mahathir's chloroform to desensitize and blind the people in his hope for a smooth passage in the final two weeks, promising the rakyat a fool's paradise.
We must not ever again defer to or give weight to anything Mahathir and his cohorts say. Most of their past promises and development for the people turned out to be get-rich-quick scams for themselves. Just look at our prices of cars, look at the confiscatory road tolls. Any country could have built hundreds of KLCCs if they so desire with the hundreds and hundreds of billions of Petronas money. Where did all our money from our rich natural resources go to. What standard of students is our education system producing. Why are there still so many people living from hand to mouth, even in KL. Try driving yourself to the real rurals of all races; you don't have to join a monastery to see "nothingness'. I digressed.
Mahathir's Bersih,Cekap dan Amanah has condemned our once rated national institutions like the Judiciary, AG, Police, ACA-MACC, PSD into wimps working for UMNO against the rakyat. For a viable long-term peace, progress and investments in the country, it's imperative that all these political transgressions be rectified, and the only remedy the country has is to relegate UMNO to the opposition bench which hopefully will cleanse UMNO to that of Onn Jaafar or Tengku Abdul Rahman.
All bloggers should be on the alert to counter and debunk further 'pleasant' statements which are expected to increase from this conman. Malaysians are no longer the ignoramuses of 20 years ago. With the current tensed political situation like never before, the return of Mahathirism together with a plunderer cum suspected murderer at the helm could translate into disaster for the opposition MPs and the country. GE13 then most likely will not even be the usual unfair elections that we've come to expect, condemning the country on a journey to a conflagrated Zimbalaysia.
We have two more weeks to do whatever we can to help forestall the seemingly inevitable, while optimistically hoping for something positive to come out from the Anwar-Badawi opened lines of communication, and respectfully hoping also, from this — "
In fact, it would be more like run into the ground with her at the helm. And this is also the view of the Agong."
By Kenny