Board denies conspiracy

(The Star) – The Umno disciplinary board has condemned claims that its decision to bar Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam from contesting in the party polls was part of a political conspiracy.

Board chairman Tengku Tan Sri Ahmad Rithauddeen Tengku Ismail issued the message in a brusquely worded four-paragraph statement.

“The saddest thing about Malay-sian politics is cynicism.

“Every attempt at trying to bring wrong-doers to justice is looked on as a political ploy or conspiracy or that the outcome is fixed,” was his opening remark.

He dismissed the perception that the decisions, which also saw Rembau MP and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin given a warning, were part of a political ploy.

“If it is so obvious to so many Malaysians that certain parties or people are guilty of wrongdoing, whether in politics or business, we implore them to come forward and supply information or evidence so that we can act on it.

“We can only act on evidence, not accusations or suspicion. Slander and insinuations seem to be the order of the day. Malaysians seem to salivate at conspiracy theories. The more outrageous the better,” said Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen.

On Tuesday, the board barred Mohd Ali from taking part in party election after finding him guilty under Article 10.1 of the party’s code of ethics.

Following the decision, the board had been accused of practising double standard and carrying out selective persecution.

Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen lamented that the public did not appreciate the difficulties faced by the board in carrying out its duties, considering that it did not have the power of the police to compel people to cooperate in its investigations.

“People are always second guessing us,” he said signing off his statement with the quote “We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t!”.

A panel member who did not want to be identified said all the panel members were hurt by the negative comments levelled at the board, particularly those uttered by Umno leaders themselves.

“I don’t understand what their motives are. They are insulting us and our integrity when they question our impartiality,” the source said, adding that members of the board met yesterday to discuss the issue.

He dismissed any notion that the panel members were contemplating resigning en bloc.

Some Umno leaders, according to the source, seemed to have forgotten that the panel members were made up of party veterans and were not beholden to anyone.

“We don’t owe our living to anyone. Don’t try to threaten us. We are appointed to help clean up the party and that is what we are trying to do. Don’t put us in the same category of politicians with vested interest,” the source said.

The level of unhealthy politicking that was currently going on in Umno, he said, was quite unprecedented and he feared this could be the party’s undoing.

On accusations that the board had deliberately timed its announcement under less than two weeks before the election to prevent Mohd Ali from appealing his sentence, the panel member said:

“We want to be thorough. There are just too many complaints (against Mohd Ali) and we need to look at every one of them. Delays are inevitable because some people who are called as witnesses had refused to cooperate.”

Another panel member revealed that there were many complaints and reports of political bribery involving other top party leaders which the board could not investigate because they lacked evidence.

The complaints against these top leaders, he said, were in the hundreds.
