Enjoying Sarawak hospitality

Zorro, Del and I were feted to dinner by our Sarawakian brothers and one sister last night.

Broken Shield, Dayak Nation and Teropong Dunia were there, along with a few other bloggers and friends.

The food was excellent.

The company warm, honest and forthright.

What came out very strongly from this first fellowship was a clear sense that the anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia of Sarawak, like so many in Semenanjung, want change.

They, too, want honest governance of the people, by the people and for the people.

They want justice and equality.

They too, like so many of us, want the UMNO-led BN out.

We brainstormed through dinner.

Zorro, Del and I have some idea of what we might be able to do to lend support to our blogging brothers in Sarawak in their effort to take Batang Ai from BN.

In a few hours, we will head out to Batang Ai.

The game plan should start to get clearer.

I left the dinner table very clear about one thing : the anak Bangsa Malaysia ‘One People, One Nation’ aspiration is very, very achievable.

First, though, we’ll have to take our nation back from racist politicians.

