UMNO: Beyond Redemption

Quite frankly, if the ground would open up during an earthquake and swallow the entire PWTC building this week while the UMNO general assembly is in progress, I would be the last person to shed any tears.

In the first place, the UMNO we have now isnt really the original UMNO of Onn Jaafar, which started the fight for the country's independence. After its deregistration during the 1988 constitutional crisis, former prime ministers Tunku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn didn't even bother to 'rejoin' the new 'UMNO Baru' of Mahathir Mohamed, clearly expressing their disgust at what took place. About a year ago, Mahathir himself quit the party, also in disgust, expecting many others to follow suit but nobody of any consequence did.

In her latest blog posting, Nini Talk has it right on the button when she writes, here, that "In the present era of openness and transparency, it becomes all the more crucial to have leaders with very few skeletons in their cupboards. As the nation's role models, they must be looked up to with the highest regard. When they talk of integrity, they themselves must be examples of it".

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