Why would you want to lose a good leader like Nizar!
That statement kind of enscapulates the tone of the speeches delivered tonight by Dr Hatta, Dr Lee Boon Chai and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at Sungei Tinggi tonight.
Also true to my guess, they defied the ban on topics deemed sensitive and inevitably detrimental to security of the country. Has this country come to that tipping point into absurdity or just plain stupidity when we cannot point fingers or verbalise or question misdeedsand missteps of elected leaders. Damn it we are not in North Korea are we? If the Sultan is aware of this I am sure he would give a big chunk of his regal and legal mind to the ban-master for directing undue and unnecessary attention to the royals. Already the Police Inspector General is shifting the blame for such injunctions on his OCPDs.
Since we are on the subject of our Royal Police Force, they are getting a real royal reception in Bukit Gantang….Peaceful Taiping have never seen so many coppers just loitering around in their Markas. What's with the water cannon trucks and your weapons of mass suppression? This is TAIPING, for God's sake!
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