P59 Bkt Gantang – Come Home to Vote !!! BN giving $$$
Hey Anak Bkt Gantang working/living OUTSIDE !!
Come home to Vote!!!!
Barisan Nasional giving out $$$….. last heard $100 per person (Simpang Area)…. no check IC also!!!
Don’t believe delCapo…. call your family / friends back in Kampung & ask them….
” I just got back from Penang to “cheng beng”….. they give me $100… i say man…not bad… cover petrol & toll” – “Ah Cheong”
Q:” Kenapa dia orang dapat, saya takda???”…. A: “Belum lagi, towkay… besok mari mesti ada” – exchange between a local coffee shop operator & a well-dresses gentlemen.
“Dia bagi… gua ambik lah… besok call anak balik, bawah girlfriend dia sekali… tak check IC pun mah…” – auntie at Simpang market
“Belum dapat… tapi kalau dapat pun… simpan juga… Undi? itu ikut hati” – abang “Dol”, random man in Sungei Tinggi
Read more at: http://delcapo.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/p59-bkt-gantang-come-home-to-vote-bn-giving/