P59 Bkt Gantang – Come Home to Vote !!! BN giving $$$

Hey Anak Bkt Gantang working/living OUTSIDE !!

Come home to Vote!!!!

Barisan Nasional giving out $$$….. last heard $100 per person (Simpang Area)…. no check IC also!!!

Don’t believe delCapo…. call your family / friends back in Kampung & ask them….


” I just got back from Penang to “cheng beng”….. they give me $100… i say man…not bad… cover petrol & toll” “Ah Cheong”

Q:” Kenapa dia orang dapat, saya takda???”…. A: “Belum lagi, towkay… besok mari mesti ada” exchange between a local coffee shop operator & a well-dresses gentlemen.

“Dia bagi… gua ambik lah… besok call anak balik, bawah girlfriend dia sekali… tak check IC pun mah…” auntie at Simpang market

“Belum dapat… tapi kalau dapat pun… simpan juga… Undi? itu ikut hati” – abang “Dol”, random man in Sungei Tinggi

Read more at: http://delcapo.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/p59-bkt-gantang-come-home-to-vote-bn-giving/
