Guan Eng offers Najib 6 reform measures
By Regina William (The Edge)
GEORGE TOWN: Newly minted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak must adopt six reform measures to make "1 Malaysia, People First And Performance Now" work, said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
Following the Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang wins by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR), Lim who is also DAP secretary general said following BN's huge losses, the BN should focus on reforms.
There is no necessity to carry out a post-mortem of BN’s huge losses. All he needs to do is to undertake these reform measures.
"First by practising '1 Malaysia' concept by banning racially-based political parties that restrict membership to one race," Lim said. "There is no point talking about '1 Malaysia' so long as Umno is open only for Malays, MCA for Chinese and MIC only for Indians. Political parties must be open to all."
In the press statement, he also said Najib must walk the talk on human rights and liberties by abolishing and not just review the Internal Security Act (ISA).
"Third, abolish the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses & Publications Act to build an independent press, establish freedom of information and build a democracy responsive to the people’s needs, empowered to responsibly report without fear of consequences, and hold government and public officials accountable.
"Fourthly, show a renewed commitment to fighting corruption by investigating and take action against Melaka Chief Minister Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam for money politics in Umno that disqualified him from contesting the deputy presidency.
Lim added: "The failure of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to even investigate Mohd Ali when quick action is always taken against PR state governments.
"Worse by claiming that Mohd Ali Rustam had only committed an ethical breach without even investigating has given an unhealthy impression of double-standards, prejudicial investigation and selective prosecution to the public.
"Further there should be an open tender of all companies and not an 'open tender' limited to only companies registered with the Ministry," he added.
Another reform suggestion is to reduce electricity tariffs, stop gas subsidies to independent power producers and stop toll increases by buying over the highways, Lim said.
He said Penang's move to eradicate hardcore poverty should also be emulated.
"The final reform measure is to institutionalise democracy and return power back to the people by agreeing to a dissolution of the Perak state assembly.
"The Prime Minister must boldly admit that it was wrong to effect a change in the state government through unconstitutional methods and not through elections.
"The people have the right to decide who is their government and it is a travesty of justice and a mockery of democracy that BN with 45% popular support in the last general election is ruling with PR obtaining 54% popular support in opposition," he added.
Lim said Bukit Gantang voters have endorsed calls for fresh elections by giving the rightful Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin a bigger majority.
"The voters in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau should be commended for their courage and love for democracy by supporting PR's inclusive multi-racial approach of freedom, justice, equal opportunity and truth," he added.