Gentleman Gocoh Round II

Dato' Ahmad Said, the Menteri Besar of Trengganu, is once again in the political crosshairs as rumours abound that members of his own party will initiate a vote of no-confidence against the Kijal state assemblyman.

KUALA TERENGGANU: Kijal assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Said, who was supposed to have been sworn in as Terengganu Mentri Besar Sunday, has been stripped of his Umno membership for disobeying the party's leadership, a state Umno official confirmed Sunday morning. — from the Star March 23.2008

In Malaysia there are 3 Prime Minister – the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the Prime Minister of Sarawak and the Prime Minister of Trengganu.

Dato' Ahmad Said, the Menteri Besar of Trengganu, is once again in the political crosshairs as rumours abound that members of his own party will initiate a vote of no-confidence against the Kijal state assemblyman.

The reasons are many. Dato' Ahmad Said is a man unto to himself, and he had defied the wishes of Pak Lah on more than one occassion, eroding Pak Lah's stature as the Prime Minister which in some way contributed to his premature exit. Enter PM DS Najib and it is shaping up to be yet another winner take all showdown in Trengganu.

Trengganu is strategically important for many reasons. Number one, the state is owed quite a lot of money in the form of oil royalties. With record crude prices in 2007-2008, this amounts to a cool couple of billion, some estimates have it as high as RM 10 billion. In fact BN's KT byelection campaign was kicked of by then DPM DS Najib handing over a RM 400 million dollar cheque to a smiling Dato Said.

