Take leave, DAP man in graft probe told

(NST) – A Subang Jaya DAP municipal councillor, accused of taking money from a developer, has been told to go on leave pending an investigation by the party disciplinary committee.

State DAP chairman Ean Yong Hian Wah said the party viewed allegations of corruption against any of its elected and appointed officials very seriously.

He said DAP would take action should anybody be found guilty of such offences.

“We will protect and uphold our principles of competency, accountability and transparency.”

He said the councillor would resume duties after being cleared by the disciplinary committee. It is also learned that if found guilty, the offender’s party membership could be terminated and his councillor’s post revoked.

It was reported earlier that the developer had lodged a report with a DAP division office on the matter.

It was alleged that the councillor had taken money from the developer as an inducement to resolve some matters for them. However, it is understood that the company later discovered that the councillor had not delivered on his promise.

The councillor denied taking a bribe from the developer. He was quoted as saying that he was a business consultant by profession and charged introduction fees.

“The deal in question was never successful. So, this is just slander.” he was quoted as saying.

State in charge of State Local Authorities committee chairman Ronnie Liu said no complaint had been lodged with the council or the state authorities on the matter.

“A report was lodged at a DAP office. As such, we will leave it to the party to investigate the matter.”

He said he would wait for the party to decide on the allegations and only then would contemplate action, if any, to be taken.

Liu said the allegation would be investigated by the state government if a complaint was made.

“But to my understanding, there was no payment made,” he said, adding he could not comment further as it may interfere with the committee’s work.
