Malaysians are a bunch of bigots

Now, you ponder to yourself; if RPK, BERSIH and HINDRAF did not come along to change our mindset for the goodness of the society, we would have continued with our beloved BN as seen in the mandate given to them in 2004.

By R. Shan (Human Being)

I think Malaysians deserve UMNO and its lackeys to run us because we cannot see beyond ourselves. We continue to question every action with myopic thought and ignore the under-privileged and the oppressed.

Yes, it is freedom of thought; but individual subjectivity cannot hold its ground if, objectively, it does not serve the common cause of humanity in Malaysia as one then actually becomes a hypocrite.

Sure, you are oppressed in your own ways as I am, but here it is not about you and I but about the collective social consciousness that can permeate our society for the well-being of the whole community through collective self-conscious action.

Now, you ponder to yourself; if RPK, BERSIH and HINDRAF did not come along to change our mindset for the goodness of the society, we would have continued with our beloved BN as seen in the mandate given to them in 2004.

The check and balance in the society can only appear if we all participate. In March 8, 2008 our mindset did not allow it because through our fears and our inaction subjectively, BN is still at helm.

All that transpired after March 8, 2008 shows that the people are awakened and that is why the opposition keeps winning all the by–elections. The infusion of information has now probably begun to change the mindset of individuals to accept that unless we change individually, the same old story will repeat itself.

Let’s take HINDRAF as an example; we say it should stay apolitical, yet with all the controversy in Bukit Selambau, everyone was upset with HINDRAF until they threw their support for Pakatan Rakyat.

Now HINDRAF says it will give Najib 100 days to show what his administration can do to help the under-privileged and oppressed segment of the society. Everyone is also upset.

Isn’t this an apolitical stance?

I think it is we who are political as we keep swinging right to left according to the tide without actually understanding the repercussions to the society in the long run. As long as we are fine individually, we do not question or oppose what may be detrimental to the society.

Nobody is perfect nor can one judge what is perfectly right unless and until we can quench our own desires without fear and expectation to think and act beyond the box for the society as a whole as opposed to our own needs.

Your political maturity can only be answered by you as you live it.

(Human being)
