Pathological Lies by Health Ministry on KUGAN

Farcical statements only undermine the intelligence of the Malaysian society and stress the current manipulated stance taken by the Health Ministry.

By R. Shan (Human Being)

I am at a loss for words. UMMC doc 'misidentified, misinterpreted'. Health Ministry director-general Dr Mohd Ismail Merican further states that the pathologist also misinterpreted the patterned imprint injuries on the body as 'burn wounds' as there was no evidence of inflammatory infiltrates or thermal injuries in the skin from the back of the deceased, which would be present in thermal injury.

Here we have a committee without actually examining the body coming to a conclusion.

Further, Ismail said the committee was also not able to establish how and where Kugan's body was kept after being released to his family until it was brought to UMMC for the second post-mortem, as it would significantly affect the physical state of the body.

Why then do we need a committee who is not able to ascertain all these factors into consideration? You don’t need to be a doctor to dictate and come up with such ludicrous statements without even examining the body unless the Malaysian public actually believe that the family intentionally tampered with the dead body and created all the findings in the second post-mortem.

Such farcical statements only undermine the intelligence of the Malaysian society and stress the current manipulated stance taken by the Health Ministry.

Any person with common sense will realize what this is all about. Another sad chapter for the excluded and marginalized non-existent Malaysian in Malaysia for the glory of the government and the chosen few to dictate the rule and order to sweep everything under the carpet.

Such is the travesty of the medical profession, which was such a noble profession, as it prostitutes itself for the benefit of a system that continues to undermine the struggle of the public for transparency, equality and justice for the Malaysian public.

Now with the latest case of Anwar Mansor – yes, not a typical non-existent Indian dying in custody this time, but a so-called bumiputera who has faced the same consequences. This is the system we have created and sustained due to our own ignorance and disconcern for humanity.

Why should HINDRAF reps be concerned about Mr. Anwar when they are chastised to be the progenitor for the betterment of only Malaysian Indians? But this is the whole point. an Anak Malaysia cannot exist if we continue to prejudge while sitting on our own laurels and not understand the long-term goals for the community to co-exist.

To be human, we err. But above all, we need a clear conscience for the society – not for our own indulgence, our analysis and what serves us for the moment. And we do have a long way to go. We have only just begun.

So, either we sit back and watch the fun … or we get to the ground and act in our own ways to enhance humanity in Malaysia. This is our choice. Humanity is translucent beyond race, religion, creed or following. We should be one as Anak Bangsa Malaysia.
(Human Being)
