Elite squad trio arrested for robbery

(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Three members of the elite police Special Action Unit are staring at the bleak prospect of serving time behind bars.

The three lance corporals were arrested for attempted robbery at a house in Jinjang Selatan here on Sunday.

It has emerged that they have a history of disciplinary problems.

The three, aged between 28 and 32, were attached to the guard escort branch of the SAU and were responsible for escorting and protecting dignitaries.

However, sources disclosed that the three men are expected to be transferred to a different department while awaiting the outcome of investigations on them.

City Criminal Investigation Department chief Datuk Ku Chin Wah said police considered the case solved with the arrest of the three men for robbery.

On Sunday night, the three SAU personnel went into a house in Jinjang Selatan occupied by five men.

It is believed that the SAU had information one of the five inhabitants was a drug addict.

The SAU personnel allegedly went to the house to extort money from the drug addict.

However, a ruckus ensued and the pandemonium caused a neighbour to alert the authorities.

One of the policemen was armed with a Glock pistol, which had been issued from the police armoury.

The pistol have been seized.

Checks revealed the three policemen had joined the police force between 1998 and 2001.

After completing their basic training, they signed up to join the elite commando unit.

One of the five men living at the house has also been detained to facilitate investigations.

He was arrested on Monday after testing positive for drug abuse.
