Housewife charged with offending Sultan of Perak

(The Star) – A housewife faced an alternative charge at a Sessions Court here of creating and initially distributing allegedly offensive comments against the Sultan of Perak on the Internet.

Khoo Hui Shuang, 27, claimed trial to committing the offence together with her husband Chan Hon Keong, 26, at their home in Permatang Pauh at about 12.05am on Feb 13.

She was charged with posting the comments at which has a link to the Sultan’s official website at with the intention of upsetting others.

The charge, under Subsection 233(1)(a) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (Act 588) is punishable under Subsection 233(3) of the same Act and read with Section 34 of the Penal Code.

If convicted, she could be fined a maximum of RM50,000 or jailed a maximum of one year or both as provided under Section 233(3) of the Act.

Khoo and Chan, a businessman, were jointly charged on March 13 for distributing the same comments on the Internet at the same time, date and venue.

The offence, under subsection 292(a) of the Penal Code is punishable under Section 292 of the Code and read with Section 34 of the same Code.

They face a maximum jail term of three years or fine or both, if found guilty.

When the charge was first read on March 13, Khoo was away in Sarawak. Chan was then released on RM6,000 bail.

On Wednesday, Judge Julie Lack Abdullah released Khoo on RM6,000 bail and set May 20 for mention.

In the same court, Chan faced an amended charge and an amended alternative charge for distributing the comments on the Internet.

His amended charges are under similar subsections of the Communications and Multimedia Act and the Penal Code as Khoo’s charges.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If they are found guilty and fined, Malaysia Today will launch a fund-raising exercise to raise the money to pay their fines.
