A Judge Indicts the Malaysian Judiciary

Way back 15 years ago, I turned up  on the courts beat, as a frightened rookie scribe. Just my luck, I thought, that my first day on the beat and I get to follow my senior into the intimidating Court of Appeal.

The proceedings seemed so hushed that my racing heartbeat seemed louder than the judges’ words. There were three robed blokes up there.

My senior told me who they were. Mahadev Shankar, Gopal Sri Ram and N.H Chan. The names stayed with me over the years.

Today N.H Chan’s name came up again in a brave stand that reminded me of the heydays, of the guy dubbed Lion of Law, Justice Eusoffe Abdoolcader (tragically deceased).

Retired Justice N.H Chan could have shut up and spent his retirement in peace. But such are the ways of the men of conscience. Men who still thought the law should be about upholding justice.

Today, this learned judge stood up to expose, yet again another evidence of the prostitution of the Malaysian judiciary.

