Forget About 1Malaysia, We Just Need to Stand Up Against Poor Governance

This is Malaysia, a multiracial and multicultural nation. This is my country and I will not tolerate any racists or their racist behaviour.

Khoo Kay Peng

From Utusan Malaysia's hate-filled article on the rise of Malays to counter the demand of other races ('Bangkitlah Melayu') to other extreme political behaviour and actions, we have tolerated enough sickness in this society. Let me remind Utusan, certain UMNO politicians, PKR's Zulkifli Nordin and others to stop playing with racial and religious sentiments.

This is Malaysia, a multiracial and multicultural nation. This is my country and I will not tolerate any racists or their racist behaviour.

It is too convenient for the editors in Utusan to call for unity among the Malays to fight off the excessive demands of other races. Unity must have a purpose. This kind of unity will not uplift poor Malay kids from poverty. It will not put a Malay on the world's map of excellence.

I would support a call of unity to acquire the best knowledge and skills available in the world. I would support a call for the Malay community and other communities to show us their best ability to bring this beloved nation to higher level.

But to unite under a corrupt, racist, rude, arrogant and incompetent party of leadership is both stupid and suicidal. A smart person understands that his fortune is not dictated by another powerless second class citizen. But a corrupt government practicing cronyism and nepotism can rob him off his equal access to opportunities.

It is hilarious for us, Malaysians, to continue to believe in this shit at this modern age. This is the 21st century. If a powerful BN, hegemonized by UMNO, cannot bring equal opportunities to the Malays preferring to enrich a few and keep the rest poor and neglected, what can unity do for them? With its grip on almost all powerful institutions in this country, does UMNO need Malay unity to implement what it thinks is right for the community? Nonsense.

