Soon, it will be “Don’t mention Altantuya in your blog”!

As reported on Malaysiakini:

Four private television stations have been ordered not to name political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda when reporting the Altantuya Shaarriibuu murder case.

Malaysiakini has learnt that the top management of Media Prima Berhad – the owner of the four TV stations – had issued a directive on the matter.

The media giant, which is believed to be linked to ruling party Umno, controls the country’s four free-to-air private TV stations – TV3, ntv7, 8TV and tv9.

The email listed four ‘don’ts’ involving news reports relating to the high-profile murder case of Mongolia national Altantuya, who was mistress of Razak Baginda.

The TV stations were ordered not to mention Razak Baginda’s name and ignore all news background related to him.

Not only that the political analyst’s name should not be mentioned, visuals showing him in previous trials and after his release are also banned, according to the email.

The other two restrictions were related to the new premier.

The TV stations were barred from reporting that Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor, were linked to the case.

Also, statements from those accusing Najib and Rosmah of being involved in the case were also prohibited.


This is ridiculous! It is worse than censorship. The instruction is so detailed and specific that it degrades the news editors in those TV stations to a robot.

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