No to Politicized By-Election, But Snap Elections a Must in Perak

In the last few by-elections, the Election Commission just forked out less than RM3 million in expenses.

However, the police had used more than RM31 million. This is really shocking and unacceptable. It is unacceptable because we have read of police unnecessary interference in the democratic process including the right and freedom to assemble and hold political rallies during the campaign period. The person(s) who authorised the expenses must be held accountable.

The fact that the police needed RM31 million or ten times more than what the EC needed to run the by-elections speaks volume of the authority mindset. Malaysian voters are not a wild and unruly lot unless provoked. The use of water canon, tear gas, dogs, helicopters etc are a waste of public fund. The attitude of the authorities must change if they want to keep down the cost of running a by-election. The next time the police thought of using the helicopter again they should really justify its uses. It is public money! Not BN's money.

I do agree that the Penanti by-election is waste of public fund if there was an underhand tactic to bring down Fairus. Hence, both the Chief Minister Lim and Anwar Ibrahim owe the public an explanation why Fairus was asked to quit. He was voted in by the people and held an important public office. The state government and his party are accountable and answerable to the people of Penang, including me.

