RPK is More Than Just a Friend …

One thing they can't take away is the bond of which he has created with the majority of Malaysians and the awareness he has instilled upon each and everyone of us through his articles that brought about the political landscape changes.

By The Whisperer

"The police are looking for me. My friends have been summoned to the police headquarters for interrogation, police cars are parked outside their house, and police personnel are loitering outside their residence to monitor whoever comes and goes. My ISA case, which the government is appealing, has suddenly been dropped and for almost two months the case has gone cold after the Federal Court appeared to be in a hurry and would not even allow us 24 hours to file the necessary papers." Excerpt from RPK's article, 'It's Time To Storm The Bastille'.

The authorities can go ahead and continue to find ways to nail him even if they have to stoop so low to shift the goal posts or abuse their available machinery to their advantage to get him into Kamunting. One thing they can't take away is the bond of which he has created with the majority of Malaysians and the awareness he has instilled upon each and everyone of us through his articles that brought about the political landscape changes. That's the reason many of us stood by him and shall continue stand with him to push this country onto the right path. Corruption must go. Law and order must be maintain. We are all Malaysian and we do not need unfair policies to segregate us through race and religion. We are Malaysian who knows how to take care of one another irrespective of race, gender or religion. Definite not what the authorities have been trying to portray to us for decades. Those were their propaganda's for their selfish interests.

Read more at: http://thewhisperer-lonewolf.blogspot.com/2009/04/rpk-is-more-than-just-friend.html
