Rais: Politicians should heed Sultan of Perak’s reminder

(Bernama) – Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said politicians should pay heed to the Sultan of Perak's reminder on the need to refrain from fanning hatred against the monarchy.

Rais said that Sultan Azlan Shah's reminder exemplified the importance of keeping the Rulers' Institution above politics.

He also said that the sultan's remark and the pledge by the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, to defend the monarchy from being ridiculed, had further affirmed the roles of the Rulers' Institution in the country.

"When we talk about the concept of 1Malaysia, we should be all-encompassing, with the Rulers' Institution forming the pillar of the nation and government.

"Politicians should therefore pay heed to the clear signals emanating from the speech," he told reporters after handing over the Foreign portfolio to the new Foreign Minister, Datuk Anifah Aman, here today.

Speaking in conjunction with his 81st birthday yesterday, Sultan Azlan Shah said the action of certain political groups in provoking the people and sowing seeds of hatred against the rulers was akin to fanning "embers in the chaff".

He said it was a dangerous act which could destroy the peace in the country.

Sultan Azlan Shah also said that the rulers were above politics and therefore, could not participate in open debate to answer allegations hurled against them by political groups.

Rais said his ministry would explain the roles and functions of the royalties in the context of Malaysia's multiracial people.

Earlier in his speech, Rais said he would meet Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to discuss the "1 Malaysia" concept.

He said that this was important to ensure the concept was understood clearly by all and not twisted for political purposes.
