Who is the Prime Minister?

It's different time and different ball game. Former Premier Tun Mahathir should not equate his time with what is happening now. The political landscape has changed. The people dread the long wearying journey under his autocratic regime and are not looking forward to a rendition of it.

By Hantu Laut

It may have worked well with his style of leadership then but things have changed, the people have come out of the coconut shell. The kataks are now smarter and liberated.

During his time the opposition was weak, disorganised and in disarray and he was in full control of the politics of the nation making it difficult for the oppositions to make major breakthrough in general elections, let alone in any by-elections. His government won almost all by-elections, a walk in the park.

After having ravaged Abdullah's reputation and successfully ousted him from office many would have thought this grand old man would stop active involvement in politics and leave Najib alone. It appears that Mahathir is not about to give up politics and Najib may be in for a long rough ride and if he is not careful may be weaken by the very same man. He had already criticise some of Najib's choices in the cabinet and termed them unsavoury characters.

Mahathir insisted Najib must allow the BN to contest the Penanti by-election after the prime minister said the BN may not contest the by-election. Mahathir is prepared to lead the campaign in this Anwar stronghold. Previous elections had shown that the BN is not exactly popular in the areas.

Read more at: http://hantulautan.blogspot.com/2009/04/who-is-prime-minister.html
