Eli’s political foes out to shake her with ‘new pix’

(Suara Keadilan) – As expected, the political foes of Pakatan Rakyat have begun circulating allegedly ‘new’ pictures of Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong, after she agreed to retract her resignation from the Selangor state executive council and her constituency.

The pictures were posted on the Internet and show Eli sound asleep, fully clothed and with her trademark spectacles still on.

Although innocuous, their intention was obvious. Someone wants to intimidate the 37-year old Eli and keep her traumatised!

For those who have been following the ongoing political tussle between Selangor Pakatan and the former Umno state administration run by Mohd Khir Toyo, it is not difficult to draw an inference as to which group could have the most reason to put the culprits up to this latest act of cowardice.

Don’t let them get to you

Fortunately, Eli is better prepared this time around. Declining to comment more than necessary, she said she had already done what was needed by lodging a police report and it was now full focus on her work in the exco and her constituency.

Her boss, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim, has fully backed her and said he would refer the latest incident to the police.

“For those who have the pictures, it is their social responsibility to give it to the police because it is considered an offence,” said Khalid, after presenting aid worth a total of RM2 million to Chinese schools in Selangor.

“At the moment, what I have heard is just speculation. I will ask the police to analyse the pictures and provide their opinion.”

Her colleague, PAS leader Iskandar Abdul Samad, said the culprits should stop their “dastardly act” as it will not frighten Eli anymore.

“Eli is a strong person and she can see herself through this. She has been carrying out her duties since her return and attended the monthly morning meeting and faced everyone. Those who are doing this to her should know by now that they cannot frighten Eli,” said Iskandar, who is also on the exco team.

A human rights activist and former environmentalist, the hard-working Eli is immensely popular with her constituents, who petitioned the Sultan to reject her resignation. She quit in February after pictures taken of her asleep and scantily-clad in a sarong were illegally circulated on the Internet.

Police, who have questioned more than a score of suspects, have warned that syndicates have also become involved, posting ‘doctored’ images of her on cyberspace to make money.
