Indian-issues-shy MPs or Aduns Not Required

Manikumar, like almost all MPs and Aduns, talk about Bangsa Malaysia and will not talk about the critical problems the Indians face; which clearly the Malays, Chinese, Orang Asli and other races do not face. The reason is that they have to play to the majoritarian political gallery which means abandoning all references to the critical Indian problems.

By Subramaniam Bharathi

Manikumar in the NST Online chat said, “I am confident of winning because I am struggling for Bangsa Malaysia." (NST 1/4/2009) Page 6

On a similar note, DSAI and Lim Kit Siang will almost always only choose a “multi racial” candidate like Manikumar. Look at the PR Indian representatives in Parliament and in the State Legislatures. They are not taking up the problems, their Bangsa Malaysia brothers are not taking up the problems, then who is taking up the critical Indian problems or is it just that there is no such thing as an Indian problem?

“Multiracial parties” like the DAP and PKR will ignore candidates like lawyer N. Surendran who have the courage to take up Indian issues that carry no political mileage or that do not appeal to the majoritarian gallery.

Take the latest case of Kugan who was brutally beaten to death in police custody. This kind of tragedy does not happen to a Chinese, Malay or Orang Asli. Why is it that no  Bangsa Malaysian really stood up for this. It takes Surendran to do this. Where is the Bangsa Malaysia spirit among our Bangsa Malaysia brothers in cases like this? So, who is going to speak up for this kind of uniquely Indian problem? When someone does take up such issues he is considered too parochial, too racial, not good for the politics of the day, tsk,tsk,tsk…

“Multiracial” and “Bangsa Malaysia” candidates meaning people championing the Malay, Chinese and Orang Asli cause but not the Indian cause are the preferred candidates by PKR and DAP. This is a political reality which has to be addressed.

This has been happening for 52 years under the BN, and now under the guise of the Bangsa Malaysia concept is probably going to happen for another 52 years. That is if this tide is not stemmed now. We are not against Bangsa Malaysia. What we are against is the cloak that this will become, to mask the critical and unique problems afflicting a large section of the Indian community, which requires immediate and significant state intervention.

My assertion about PKR and DAP is further supported by a conversation between one KF Tang who asked a very specific question to Manikumar, “What are the main problems ailing the Indian community in Bukit Selambau? How do you intend to tackle their grouses and problems if you are appointed as a State Exco.”

Manikumar answered, “I am not a leader for one race but for all races.”

To me, Manikumar does not want to know about the problems of the Indians (because the problems may be too critical) and he does not care. His interest obviously is only in the votes.

I don’t mean to be rude but almost all Pakatan Rakyat elected reps are in this hypocritical state. I will be hated for this but I have to speak the truth. It is again becoming clear that PKR, DAP and PAS are only interested in the Indian votes and not in the critical Indians problems. Is there a difference between BN and PR on this matter?
