“Perak Rulers are above politics”, somehow I am not convince

I followed HRH Sultan Perak Birthday speech on TV as well as what was reported in the papers. A few points in his speech caught my attention. The first is “Rulers are above politics and as such they cannot participate in open debate” and the second being “the role of the constitutional monarchy goes beyond what is stipulated in the constitution”.

2. He also said that the rulers were neither blind nor deaf or mute. In fact, he added, they were fully aware of what was going on in the country. I like what he said and I totally agree that the Royals should not be engaging in national politics. It is an establish fact that he is neither blind nor deaf or mute.

3. Sadly, his birthday speech does not reflect the essence of what he wants to deliver. I wonder who actually wrote the speech. I cannot believe what I heard on TV. It is so political and the content appears to be hitting at Nizar and his PR friends. It is definitely very biased.

4. His speech was shown repeatedly on TV. The BN used it to push their propaganda that PR is against the Royalty. It was use to propagate that the Royal Institution in this country is under threat. Who can blame BN.? It was a good opportunity, which was capitalized to the maximum and brought huge political mileage for BN.

