Mahathir the happiest man: Part 3

As I have numerously said in my words and writings, Mahathir only wants to see things to happen the way he personally likes.

To him the whole nation is his and he is the only person who has the right of everything and the rest must obey him without questions. His policy is, ‘Just do what I ask you to do, and don’t do what I do'.

During his long tenure of power he quarreled with everyone except his wife and children and Daim Zainuddin only for reasons he personally understands.

Anyone, whom he sees to be encumbering all his moves, will get his battering without mercy.

Musa was very perturbed and disillusioned with the way Mahathir conducted his administration on this nation. He was cornered from every angle and he knew he was not going anywhere any further anymore.

He wrote a letter to Mahathir on the sly expressing his displeasure to Mahathir for re-appointing TR to the cabinet despite losing for the second time in 1984. Putting TR to the Ministry of Trade didn’t reduce TR’s influence in Malaysian politics which Musa truly abhorred.

Mahathir distributed copies of those letters 3 years after when Musa and TR went against him in 1987 purely as an attempt to split them.

The newly appointed Daim did not listen to Musa even though at one point Musa was acting Prime Minister while Mahathir was on leave.

