Life in Malaysia is ONE BIG PARTY

By Malgal

People – this way to Party Paradise.

You can dance and ronggeng your life away here but first learn some very important house rules. 

Yours is not to question.

Unless you tailor your questions to the standard answers allowed you.

In fact, if I were you, I would not even call your questions "questions" but term them polite enquiries. Be mindful, these may (invariably do) warrant sub-standard replies like, "we are looking into it", "we have filed your request and will get back to you", "sorry, we are unable to answer your call right now but my secretary will attend to you once she returns from her indefinite annual leave".

Head for mama party and do not veer to any other party.

This will incur much wrath otherwise.

Why would anyone choose to belong to any other when big mama party is the party of all parties? It is the longest serving party in the world and probably the galaxy.

The stars are descendants of luminary families and indeed we have arrived at a third generation of the star-studded cast.

Cast your lot to dance with its adversary, and much pouting and postulating ensue.

Ceremonial weapons will be unceremoniously unsheathed and flailed during major ceremonies followed by utterances gutted from the gut that you might be floating in a spa of your own blood.

However, choose the road to one heap big party and you will be joining the billionaires’ club if you continue to dance to their tune and play your cards well.

Dress code, address code and other codes.

Ladies, especially, choose from a coterie of fawning local designers who will often use expensive fabrics from foreign fashion cities – silks from Paris and lace from Belgium – and then from these copious mileage of exquisite materials, infuse and add further embellishments to out-glitter the most glittering at functions.

Private functions of which the hoi polloi is not privy to, often have karaoke where the glitterbugs mimic their idols and in fact, try to out-glitter them.

As other industries groan under recession, this particular one flourishes as the procession progresses under the tutelage of the emperor and his entourage who eggs him on by praising his newer and newer new clothes.

Of course, on the subject of codes, this follows that party-goers from this side of the gated, heavily secured fence display postal codes of the crème de la crème. Humongous edifices containing silk carpets, heavy ornate furniture and usually several chandeliers dangle from decorative ceilings.

You are also rest assured that certain other codes will keep your enemies silenced and cowed. 

Yes, codes are important for partying. There are codes for living up to the hilt and there are codes to preserve your partying from being wrecked by those from the other side.

Garden party, ballroom party, clubbing.

Meanwhile, the party continues. The band plays to the tune of the bandmaster.

Dancers perform their steps except for those beautiful ones who have reached their premature expiry dates due to reasons best explained by their hosts.

The exclusive set continues on their jet setting (private jets whose interiors beget the imagination of those grounded). The clubs are the big boys’ clubs. Garden parties expand during the ceramahs but these are not the flavour of the recent season so might be eventually scrapped. 


Please reply before 2013.

All are invited but some are more invited than others.
