Malaysia – A State of Anarchy

By SocratesI

What is our beloved Malaysia coming to? Malaysia has become a country where people tried for murder, and is proven to be involved in that murder, is acquitted and no appeal is made by the IGP, the Attorney General, or the DPP. 

Instead (a blogger and a highly respected PATRIOT), Raja Petra's release from ISA is appealed, and he is further hounded and sought by the authorities to be placed under a fresh ISA arrest warrant, and fresh charges of treason to be made against the Conscience of Malaysia.

This time, with the Government under Najib, it looks like they are playing for keeps, as a conviction for treason will be a capital crime, resulting in Raja Petra being executed. It looks like the Malaysian Government led by Najib wants to silence Raja Petra once and for all.

Raja Petra is absolutely correct to "disappear" as he, nor I or any right-thinking Malaysian, have even an iota of confidence in our Legal "System" and (pre)Judiciary any more after the Perak Constitutional crisis debacle and the most recent statement by the Cabinet on the subject matter of religious conversion.

I have advised him in many comments in Malaysia Today articles to "disappear" so that he can continue to fight the good battle for Malaysia & Malaysians from the safety of his sanctuary, wherever that may be.

Certainly remaining safe and continuing the Rakyat's Struggle will be much more effective than languishing listlessly in a Kamunting ISA cell, or swinging lifelessly on the end of a noose.

The state of the Judiciary is utterly deplorable, with the Federal Court trespassing into the Perak Legislature's territory when by Law, by Constitution, and by case history, they have no jurisdiction whatsoever on Legislative matters. I believe the penalty for going against the Constitution is Death – as going against the Malaysian Constitution is TREASON. Therefore, all 5 Federal Court judges who sat and ruled against the Malaysian Constitution should be hung by the neck, until death!

This does not end here. The saga continues with the Cabinet making a decision on religious conversions and interfering and trespassing on the powers of the Judiciary!

What is Malaysia coming to? A cowboy country where the Law of the Land is through the barrel of a gun? Where Might is right? Is this a Malaysia that we Malaysians can be proud of? Is this what we want our children and grandchildren to inherit from us?

From all these events, and the fact that both the Defense and Prosecution were working hard in court to keep out a certain politician's involvement in the Altantuya case, which is so plain for all to see, the conclusion is clear.

Malaysia, under the despotic rule of the Barisan Nasional for 50 plus years, under the dictatorial rule of Mahathir for 22 plus years, and now under the thumb of Najib, has proverbially gone to the dogs. It is PATRIOTS like Raja Petra & Zaid Ibrahim, who give hope to upstanding and fearless citizens of Malaysia that we will have a chance of cleaning up the Aegean stables together.

But first, we have a Herculean task ahead of us as we chart out the course of the river to run through the stables, and wash out 50 plus years of scum and dirt.

It is time to rise up and be counted, in any way that we can, in any way that you see fit. Come out and support Raja Petra in his endeavour to rid Malaysia of all its ills accumulated over these last 50 years, and bring back true Justice, Equality, Freedom, a truly independent Judiciary that only has Judges of impeccable integrity, and the separation of powers, upholding the Constitution in all its glory.

Malaysia in its present state is in a state of anarchy where Might is right. What we need and want is a Malaysia where Right is might, and Justice is served by carrying not only the letter of the Law, but also the Spirit of the Law. This can only be done with the removal of the Barisan Nasional Government, and the voting in of the better alternative, Pakatan Rakyat.

Let the powers-that-be know that we Malaysians want back Malaysia and not for BN to turn Malaysia into a Zimbabwe. And let them know that we are solidly supportive of Raja Petra, no matter how the Government and its minions want to demonize him … wear the RPK T-shirts with pride wherever we go, everywhere we go!

Long Live Raja Petra Kamarudin! If we could vote in the Agong, Raja Petra would be my first and ONLY choice!

24-4-2009 Friday
