Why is AG Shying away from Kugan’s Murderers

By P. Waytha Moorthy (Hindraf Chairman)

It has been three months since the murder of Kugan in police custody, yet there has not been a single charge forthcoming from the AG’s office for the murder. 

The travesty of justice for a Malaysian Indian is so obvious in this episode of events even when the murder took place in police custody. How difficult is it to ascertain this murder unless it is again a protracted attempt by the police department in cohort with the AG’s office to suppress justice against a Malaysian Indian.

HINDRAF understands and acknowledges the shortcomings in the current administration, but what we observe in Kugan’s case is beyond comprehension in the present day and time in a so-called democratically elected government.

To date no reasonable or justifiable answer has been provided by any of the departments other than claiming that they are still investigating a murder that took place in police custody.

To add salt to the wound the Health Ministry Secretary General “revealed” findings from another body consisting of foreign doctors who reviewed the findings of the second post mortem without examining the body of the deceased. We challenge the Health Secretary General to make public the documents/reports purportedly prepared by the team of doctors including doctors from Singapore.

HINDRAF demands an explanation and more so the Malaysian public. Why is the government elected executives dragging their feet in this matter unless of course there are other hidden motives behind this premeditated murder.

We urge elected representatives of the society, NGOs and the Malaysian public to mount pressure on the government to act immediately in charging the murderers of Kugan.
