Najib’s Report Card

Najib should spend more time to deal with economic issues, particularly the country's economy is now in a structural plight. As the world economy is unable to recover so quickly, Najib should come out with more strategies and make the way out clear.

By LIM SUE GOAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has announced a series of new measures since he took the office as the Prime Minister three weeks ago. His efficiency is far beyond former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

These measures have merits and deficiencies, but it requires greater efforts, energy and resources to change the country's political and economic situations, as well as its spiritual outlook.

Najib introduced the "One Malaysia" concept right after he took the office, asking the people to look at things from the perspective of a Malaysian. Unfortunately, he did not propose ways to implement the concept.

During the new cabinet composition, he introduced the key performance indicator (KPI) concept, demanding for immediate performances from the cabinet members. However, he has neglected the Executive's lack of management capacity weakness, including the working attitude of civil servants.

"Najib should spend more time to deal with economic issues, particularly the country's economy is now in a structural plight."

Najib has also made an announcement to release the 30% bumiputra equity policy from 27 sub-sectors in the sprawling sector, but the degree of openness is not wide enough. He should abolish the New Economic Policy (NEP).

The cabinet's decision on couple's religious conversion has reflected the impartiality of Najib's government. However, the law, or even the Constitution should be amended in order to resolve religious disputes once and for all. Amending the Constitution could as well serve as a test for Pakatan Rakyat members' stands on this issue.

In terms of internal affairs of the party, Najib has restructured the state leaderships of UMNO and set Fridays to manage party affairs. This could help in consolidating and improving the organisation. However, no party reform plan could be seen so far, including the power separation between party legislators and party leaders, the eradication of money politics, the adjustment of struggle goals and the promotion of multi-culture ideology.

Over the past 20 days, Najib has indeed managed some problems; but there are more difficult problems before us. And 100 days should be a reasonable period of time to evaluate his leadership performance and concepts.

Najib should spend more time to deal with economic issues, particularly the country's economy is now in a structural plight. As the world economy is unable to recover so quickly, Najib should come out with more strategies and make the way out clear.

Najib should achieve a political reconciliation with the Opposition to stop political confrontations. Only by this, they can develop democratic politics and focus on nation-building. In addition, the Judiciary must show its independent status to restore confidence. To release the freedom of press, to abolish deterioration and other democratisation steps must not be omitted in order to establish the credibility of Najib.

Other crises of the country, including racial and religious relations, could be time-bombs for the country if they are not immediately resolved. Social problems are as well troublesome. Other than deteriorating law and order, many children and teenagers nowadays do not only lack of discipline and morality, they are involved in crime, too.

If there is no quality for the next generation, there will definitely be no future for the country.

The people hope that Najib can sustain the existing efficiency and show them a more ambitious vision, so that there will be hope for the country.
