Transportation – Silly PR Stunt and PKFZ Scandal Revisit

Isn’t it both funny and laughable to read how the prime minister opted the cheap-skate method of doing their PR stunt? The sleepy former PM may have left us for good to enjoy his forever honey-moon period but I bet everyone can still recall how he took a ride on LRT in an attempt to score some political and PR points.

Now you’ve the new PM who did the same thing and it would be foolish to think such a stunt would do him any good. The next question that comes to your mind – doesn’t the PM has a better PR team to rebuild his public approval rating? The fact remains that no matter how many times the PM took the ride on public transportation systems and how hard the government-controlled media spinned the story as if the PM was a superhero Superman, the people are simply too sick and tired of the silliness of the whole stunt.

People still remember how the PM (was deputy PM then) took the easy way out by telling the average-Joes to bite the bullet and change their lifestyle when the government increased the fuel hike not many moons ago. Frankly do you really need to show how silly you are by taking public transport just to conclude that the system sucks?

