It is with great regret that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat confirms that the Selangor Council of Islamic Religion has issued a notice ordering the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malaysia (AMJ Malaysia) to stop offering Friday Prayers ('Jumma') at the National AMJ Headquarters, the Bait-us-Salam Mosque. Various other activities have also been banned under the terms of the notice.

The Selangor Council of Islamic Religion which is also known as 'Majlis Agama Islam Selangor' (MAIS) is the highest Islamic authority in Selangor State apart from the Sultan. On 24 April 2009 several MAIS officers came to the Bait-us-Salam Mosque and issued a notice under the 'Selangor State Enactment on the Administration of Islamic Law 2003.' The notice states:

AMJ Malaysia no longer has permission to offer Friday prayers, or permission to use Bait-us-Salam as a Mosque or conduct any activities related to a Mosque.

A notice has been placed around the Mosque stating 'Qadiani Bukan Agama Islam.' This translates as 'Ahmadiyyat is not an Islamic Religion.'

In its order the MAIS has stated that failure by the AMJ to comply with the terms of the order will result in imprisonment of up to one year and/or a fine up to RM3000.

In an era where Freedom of Religion ought to be taken for granted as a basic human right it is of great concern that a State-sanctioned body has taken it upon itself to ban a peace-loving organization from worshipping within the confines of its own premises. The International Community is urged to take action to assist in repealing the notice issued by the MAIS.

Zinda M Bajwa, Secretary Public Affairs Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, +1-646-498-8960, [email protected]
