‘Sue or we stage mock funeral for Altantuya’

Blog CK Chew

A PKR leader has challenged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to sue all the international media groups that linked him to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu or face a mammoth nationwide mock funeral procession for the slain Mongolian national.

In issuing the ultimatum at a public forum in Penang last night, PKR supreme council member Badrul Hisham set nomination day for the Penanti by-election (May 23) as the dateline for Najib to file his suits against the media groups across the globe.

“If he has nothing to do with the murder, Najib should immediately sue those international newspapers, some 19 of them, that linked him to the gruesome killing,” he said.

Badrul, the PKR Rembau division chief, told this to some 1,000 people in a hard-hitting speech during the forum held at a municipal wet market complex in Bayan Baru.

If Najib failed to meet the dateline, Badrul, commonly known as “Chegu Bard”, warned that he will lead a mammoth convoy of cars and trucks carrying a coffin of Altantuya’s effigy from Rembau to Penanti during the by-election campaign.

