Democratic tourism: Ipoh

The People's Parliament

For those of you ‘katak dibawah tempurong’, here’s a write-up about Ipoh.

What that Wikipedia write-up won’t tell you is that Ipoh is  the place to be if you want to learn first hand about people power, and about how immoral politicians, unless weeded out, will subvert all democratic processes and rob the people blind.

More specifically, Ipoh on 7th May, 2009.

Will it be tough getting into Ipoh on the day, with traffic jams and all?

Don’t know.

Hear that there may be roadblocks and all though I can’t for the life of me understand why the cops would want to stand in the way of this great learning experience.

But what the heck, even if you’re caught in a snarl on the North-South Expressway getting into Ipoh on account of a gridlock on the streets in the city given the convergence of so many democratic tourists from all over the country, you can at least count yourself as one of those who took part in this great event.

