Respect Rule Of Law, Reunite Mother and Baby

The Micah Mandate

We refer to the decision of the Ipoh High Court on Friday, 23rd April 2009 in Indira Ghandi’s case. From the Star newspaper report, and from inquiries from Indira’s lawyers, we are informed that the High Court gave an interim order on the following terms:

Indira Ghandi faces a very severe and serious situation. She is a mother who is not being allowed to see her baby.

From reports, it seems as if the husband had unconstitutionally gone to the Syariah court (as court meant only for disputes where all persons before it are person professing the religion of Islam) for orders against Indira Ghandi, a Hindu. The husband also seems to have obtained the assistance of the Police in purporting to enforce the Syariah court order against the Hindu wife.

It is our stand that the Syariah court has no power to order the Police to enforce a Syariah court order against a Hindu.

