Zambry, Camry, all in a hurry — The Malaysian Insider

(The Malaysian Insider) – Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir will begin May by trying to sack Perak State Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar and auction off 15 Toyota Camrys bought by the toppled Pakatan Rakyat state government.

All this while Zambry has yet to get the courts to confirm whether his appointment as Perak mentri besar is legal notwithstanding the royal endorsement in early February when Barisan Nasional grabbed the state from Pakatan Rakyat.

While sacking Sivakumar is politically expedient to seal his status within the state assembly, which by his count must meet by May 13, putting the Camrys under the auctioneer's hammer smacks of haste ahead of any court verdict.

By moving in a hurry, either the Pangkor assemblyman is prescient or is absolutely convinced that despite the weight of legal opinion and precedents in Malaysia and the Commonwealth, any empanelled court will decide in his favour.

Such confidence is good although it is best spent on getting the Perak Ruler to agree to fresh state elections and cut through the Gordian knot that has tied up the state in a constitutional crisis and political impasse.

Also, pushing off the perfectly-serviceable and three-month-old Toyota Camrys, all registered on Jan 9 just weeks before the putsch, makes no sense. Especially if Zambry says he is doing this as a matter of national pride to drive a Proton car.

Aliran president P. Ramakrishnan called the auction “foolish and puerile” but pointedly asked what national pride is Zambry talking about, saying he can only claim that if he had the legitimate mandate from the Perak electorate.

"He cannot talk about pride and dignity after toppling the rightful government through the help of corrupt politicians and unsavoury characters," Ramakrishnan said in a statement this week.

Ramakrishnan castigated Zambry for talking about national pride when he had kept quiet about Terengganu's decision to buy Mercedes Benz to replace their Proton Perdanas that were said to experience problems.

"The hypocrisy displayed in the car episode is nauseating. It will rankle and smoulder for eternity until this injustice is rectified. Rest assured that Perakians will long remember this hypocrisy and they will punish Umno without fail. The rallying cry for the next general election will be, “Remember Perak — Remember the injustice!” Ramakrishnan added.

While Zambry is in a hurry to get rid of the last vestiges of Pakatan Rakyat rule, his attention must surely be on administering the state for the remainder of just four years before the next general elections, unless state elections are called.

In an earlier interview with The Malaysian Insider, he said he cannot afford mistakes as it will be picked upon immediately.

"That is why I am trying to be very objective in carrying out my responsibility and the most important thing is to deliver," he added.

Wise words. Deliver. Not the Toyota Camrys but the promises made once legally ratified as the mentri besar.
