Mahathir the happiest man: Part 6

The New UMNO was formed in February 1988 and Mahathir was the member no 1 while Kak Hasmah was member no 2 and followed by Ghaffar, Anwar, Najib, Abdullah and the rest of the first group of the protem committee at the Federal Level.

Crudely speaking the New UMNO is much younger than my youngest son.

It simply means that a large number of old UMNO members were listed in the New UMNO and there were massive crossovers from the dead UMNO to the newly-registered party, which used the household name, UMNO.

So it would not be fair at all to call Datuk Ibrahim Ali a frog as most of the current leaders of UMNO and its members are nothing more and nothing less frogs themselves…and the chief of the frogs is non other than Mahathir.

Many were shock in disbelief and couldn’t comprehend that Mahathir did not used the Societies Act 1965 sec 70 to give life again to the original UMNO if he really meant what he preached.

Meanwhile our losing group was not losing hope and we went to the Supreme Court arbitration and hope to get the old UMNO revived.

We knew anything less than reviving the old UMNO will bring a big split among the Malays as they have lost their premise for their struggles.

As this issue was really very significant in nature, especially for the Malay struggles and for every Malaysian, Tun Salleh, the Lord President then decided to get all the 9 Supreme Court Judges to preside on the case and this made Mahathir and group’s mind in disorder.

