Umno wing to woo youths from all races

(The Star) – Umno Youth has formed several new bureaus and units that will be tasked with attracting youths from all races to support the party and Barisan Nasional.

Movement chief Khairy Jama-luddin said Umno Youth exco members should regard themselves as leaders responsible not only for the betterment of Malay youths but also youths of other races.

He said 28 bureaus, secretariats and units were set up during the movement’s three-day brainstorming camp, which ended yesterday.

Khairy said the formation of the bureaus reflected a strategic shift in the movement’s focus, from being limited to activities involving Malay youths to various forms of efforts to help Malaysians of all races and be more relevant to them.

Khairy said the new bureaus, secretariats and units would deal with urban affairs, young professionals and blue-collar workers, government relations, new media and psychological warfare.

“We want to engage young people from every sector of society, from factory workers to civil servants. We also want to deal with urban issues such as lack of jobs, housing and crime, that affect the youths.

“It is time for Umno Youth to widen its struggle for the benefit of all Malaysians as well,” he told reporters after attending the closing of the Umno Youth camp by Deputy Umno president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
