Chin Huat to be released soon

Written by Sharon Tan, The Edge

Political analyst and activist Wong Chin Huat is likely to be released by this evening after Magistrates Court at KL High Court granted remand of one day starting from the time he was taken in by the police at about 7.45pm on Tuesday.

According to Wong’s lawyer Amer Hamzah Arshad, the police had requested Wong be remanded for four days but they had objected to that application on grounds that the police need not hold Wong in remand for investigations to proceed.
Magistrate Puan Naziah binti Mohd Alias granted only one day remand after hearing arguments from both sides.
Police also seized two notebooks, three thumb drives and a modem from Wong yesterday.

DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang said police should make an arrest only after the investigation and not arrest to investigate.

He said the arrest of political analyst and activist Wong Chin Huat was a case of abuse of power by the police.

"Police have not taken statement from him since he was taken in yesterday. Police should arrest only after investigation and not arrest in order to investigate," said Lim when he arrived at the Jalan Duta High Court to visit Wong.  

Lim also told reporters that Wong urge Malaysians to wear black on Thursday in protest of the political situation in Perak.

Wong, who is currently still at the court complex here, passed a message via his lawyer Latheefa Koya, saying his statements yesterday regarding the 1Black Malaysia campaign was "a matter of opinion (that) has now become fact that one has been so unfree that you can't choose the colour of your clothes".

Latheefa, who is also the new Parti Keadilan Rakyat information chief, said Wong was in "high spirits".
