To defect or not to defect

(Sin Chew Daily) Just when Ong Tee keat was overseas, Chua Soi Lek, who has "come to a crossroad" in his political life, threw out a shocking statement, claiming that Pakatan Rakyat was trying to woo him and his son Tee Yong to "jump ship."

For politics, often a right coincidence has to be made at a right time.

And because of such a coincidence, it has provoked thoughts in people's minds.

And the coincidental thing is that the Penanti by-election is just around the corner.

As such, Soi Lek said he had not decided to quit the party, because he said if he did so, he would be seen as an opportunist.

Interestingly, Soi Lek revealed unreservedly that "a lot of people" wanted him to persuade his son Tee Yong to resign from his Labis parliamentary seat so that a by-election could be created in Johor, a stronghold of BN.

Prime Minister Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak has said he does not believe Soi Lek will "jump ship." Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, meanwhile, has refused to comment, asking the media to find out from the MCA president instead.

It seems that this burning hot ball is already under the feet of Ong Tee Keat, who simply cannot afford to choose to take things easy this time.

Indeed, old hands are better than greenhorns. Just a little trick and Soi Lek has managed to put many in taut nerves, creating a hottest topic in all coffee shops across the country. He is truly a master in politicking.

No doubt, he has tossed out a heavyweight political bomb at the most appropriate time, as well as thought provoking space for many.

For instance, who was trying to court him? Could that be Anwar Ibrahim or Lim Kit Siang?

Besides, if there were a by-election in Labis, would he once again engage in a "role switching" game, contesting in his son's stead so that he could recoup "the political stage and space to serve the people"?

The biggest problem of all is that if he really has the intention of leaving, why does he still try to stay back, and keep making astonishing revelations as if he is facing the difficult choice between "political future and moral integrity"? What is his motive actually?

Among the responses, perhaps what Tian Chuah has said is the most thought provoking: "A person who really wants to jump ship will not tell the world before making up his mind. If he agrees to our principles, he can always join us and need not make a big fuss about this thing; and no one should over-react merely by what someone has said."

Tian Chua has highlighted the "core" of the issue: If Soi Lek is really keen to defect to Pakatan, he should earnestly make a clear break from BN and subscribe to Pakatan's political principles. Otherwise, the talk of defection is but a political chip steered towards his own gains. (By LIM MUN FAH/Translated by CHONG CIEW JU/Sin Chew Daily)
