Breaking every rule in Perak to save someone’s dignity

By Timmy Say

Is it so valuable to that someone's dignity that BN has to break every rule possible in the constitution? Is it so hard to apologize for a mistake? Is the word "sorry" not in the vocabulary of the powerful few?

BN, honestly, what are you trying to achieve in Perak? Do you really just want to rule for the next 3 years before the next election? What can you achieve in these 3 years that would be so different from the past 50 years? I obviously can't comprehend why you would want to waste so much energy and effort to wrestle Perak away besides covering the dignity of the few who had erred in their judgment. Don't try to fool us or yourself that you can make up for your 50 years' shortcomings of ruling in the next 3 years.
BN, you are embarking on a dangerous path. You have set a precedence that no one has done before. One day, you may even have to swallow back this bitter medicine that you evilly prescribed to us today. 
As a rakyat, I am really exhausted with your act of abusing the instruments of states to meet your irrational objectives. Well, there's a saying – the world isn't fair – and today you might be on top of the world but next day you might end up upside down. At this moment, the "unfairness" of the world seems against the rakyat's side but I believe the tide will turn in our favour one day, God willing. 
Our parents' 50 years of endless love towards you without check and balance has been a grave mistake and resulted you turning into a monster that demolished everything that threatens your path to remain in power. Frankly speaking, I think any advice from anyone (and that includes Tun Dr Mahathir) will not be able to wake BN up. The only way to make them turn over a new leaf is by having them stand upside down and endure the suffering from the "unfairness" of the world. 
Power corrupts; and there's no way of curing 50 years' power drug addicts beside removing them from power in the next general election.
