Live Update – Perak State Assembly

3:30pm It appears that the BN has won the day. The MT-team is signing out and leaving Perak with a heavy heart.

3:20pm The Regent is starting his speech. Sivakumar is still missing.

3:15pm The Assembly is waiting for the Regent to enter. There is no sign of Sivakumar.

3.05pm:Teja and Simpang Pulai Adun ejected by new Speaker, Ganesan, out of Dewan

3.00pm: Zambry have moved a motion to start proceedings with a doa to be followed by the opening speech by Raja Nazrin.

2.50pm: 13 out of total 64 arrested have been reported released. 2:42pm: Sivakumar has been forcibly removed from his chair and taken out from the Dewan. Ganesan is now trying to occupy the Speaker's seat but is being prevented by Pakatan Aduns.

2.25pm: It looks like there is a stalemate in the assembly with the BN ADUNs trying to physically remove Sivakumar from the Speaker's seat and the Pakatan Aduns trying to protect him. The police are in the Dewan to defuse the situation.

1.16pm: Sivakumar has refused to budge from the Speaker's seat since sitting was adjourned until now

11:18am: All reps are leaving the Dewan for a 1-hour adjournment.

11:01am: Ganesan has been sworn in as the new Speaker.

10:54am: Since Sivakumar cannot get in, the BN ADUN took the opportunity to appoint Ganesan as the new Speaker.

10:47am: The Speaker has now been denied entry back into the Assembly.

10:40am: ADUN Hee has asked the sargeant-in-arms to remove the Speaker. However the Speaker has stepped out to accompany Raja Nazrin.

10:25am:The Speaker asserted that the sitting will not continue unless the ten ADUN leave as ordered.

10:20am: Chaos in the Assembly as the BN ADUN who have been ordered to leave have refused to leave.

10:18am: Dr. Mujahid, MP for Parit Buntar has just been arrested.

10:10am: The Speaker has ordered the 10 ADUN who had proposed the speaker to be sacked to leave the assembly.

10:00am: The Speaker ordered the 3 frog ADUN to leave the assembly.

9:55am: PAS Youth chief Salehuddin Ayub was arrested.

9:50am:40 AMK members were arrested about half an hour ago.

9:40am: There is a group gathering near the Democracy Tree and they are being asked to disperse by the police. There is another lull in arrests, the 18 who have been arrested thus far are being taken to the Pusat Tahanan FRU near Stadium Perak.

9:20am: The FRU charged into the corner restaurant below the DAP office and started arresting people, people who were having their breakfasts.

9:10am: After a lull, the police went into the crowd gathering and arrested Zorro and a few others.

8:55am: The situation on the ground is very tense. The FRU is gearing up , preparing for a showdown.

8:45am: Another 6 people have been arrested, all for wearing black and within 500m of the secretariat building. The DAPSY deputy chief, Janice Lee was also arrested.

8:40 am: MP for Ampang, Zuraidah Kamaruddin and Tian Chua have just been arrested. They were in the car with one of the state assemblyman. The police are not letting up.

8:25 am: MB Nizar just arrived at the State Secretariat, followed by other PR ADUNs while the BN ADUNs are in the car queue to be let in.

8:20 am: A group of DAP members gathered in front of the police barricade in front of the state secretariat building holding up potrait of the Agong. Police immediately ordered their arrests. We witnessed five people, including an old man on his morning walk, being arrested. The four are DAP members.

More to come, including photos………
