Cops launch nationwide crackdown

Facing brutal cops in the morning,
Facing brutal cops at night.

By Nat Tan

God, I’m tired. But probably not as tired as those rotting in jail, even as I write.

Up and down the country, peace-loving citizens for a better Malaysia now suffer under the heavy hand of police detention.

Penang: Ng Eng Kiat, a very old friend of mine, and an excellent young man, has been arrested. See Anil and Susan.

Ipoh: Some 15 still rot.

Kuching: did not escape! Dominique Ng and 9 others were arrested for trying to light candles.

KL: I just got back from Brickfields, where once again, I had to suffer the unbearable lack of common sense on the part of the police. At time of writing, some 20 are still being detained. 14 for caring about Chin Huat, 6 for caring about the 14.

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