Sex in the Dewan

Marina Mahathir

Several Barisan Nasional female assemblymen and their independent comrade Hee Yit Foong have claimed that they were manhandled by DAP and PKR assemblymen during Thursday’s assembly sitting.

The group claimed that the fracas that ensued left them fatigued with body aches and that the physical scuffle was tantamount to sexual harassment. (oh the poor ladies…)

Sungai Rapat assemblyman Datuk Hamidah Osman said that Barisan’s five female representatives, including herself, became victims of vicious attacks when they tried to protect Hee from being harassed by the Opposition.

There were definitely elements of sexual harassment because they came and grabbed us from the back,” she said yesterday, adding that she might lodge a police report. (Oh no, really? Luckily it wasn't from the front!)

They, however, stressed that PAS assemblymen had been very polite and well behaved throughout the sitting and even thanked them for staying out of the drama.

Hamidah said that it was clear the Barisan representatives were the victims because the ruckus only took place on the Barisan side of the hall.

