Thinking about our blog on a lazy leisurely Sunday

by Sim Kwang Yang

This is a Sunday. I was told that not many people visit our blogs on Saturday and Sunday. So I might as well entertain those who do visit us this Sunday with my rumbling reflection about my new found hobby of blogging.

It is time to sit back and take stock of things two and a half months after we are launched into this new venture.

Since we launched this site on 26th March, we have had about 33,000 hits, with an average of 696 hits per day. The number of hits is increasing from month to month. We are growing. I hope you can help us by spreading the word around in the cyber world.

Twice among top 100 global posting

Young as we are as a blog, we have been twice listed as among the top 100 global WordPress blogs, once with my Open Letter to James Masing, and once with Pak Bui’s piece on A coup detat in Perak a few days ago. Perhaps one day, we can be among the world’s top ten blog. There is no point in thinking small.

We picked up a lot of hits on those two occasions because we were picked up for posting on RPK’s Malaysia Today, which is a much older and more established blog.

I am not that concerned about our popularity. My friends and I are just interested at setting a higher standard of citizen journalism and a new kind of good intellectual and literary style that would not easily be found on the Internet and in the blogging world. My name is on this blog, and whatever anybody says on this blog must be defensible in a court of law, or else I will be sued for defamation until I go bankrupt.

In this sense, I am grateful for those who have left serious thoughtful remarks on our blog. We welcome well thought out criticism to our views expressed here, because lively debate with mutual respect is the essence of freedom of expression.

