The Enduring Aftermath of May 13th

10 years ago, as a university student, I wanted to write an article about the 30th anniversary of May 13th. That want never came to pass and in retrospect, I am glad it didn’t.

I was somewhat more naïve then, believing that our wonderful country had transcended the uncivilised mentality, words and deeds that precipitated into the bloodiest event of our nations history. Sadly, 10 years after 1999, I stand with a little more maturity but a lot more sadness because I don’t think that we are even close to transcending the mentality of May 13th. Rather, I believe we are in an uneasy truce, like an acrimonious marriage where a period of stability is merely cooling down the unhappy couple submerging their incompatibility before it is brought to the fore again.

It is now nearly 40 years since that horrendous event. Many of the eyewitnesses have passed on. Historical events, as we move further and further down the passage of time become more and more obfuscated. History is after all political currency and obfuscation is very expedient for politicians to hijack a particular historical event and claim it as their own. That is why I prefer the snooker table approach which basically looks at situations of the present as the result of the combinations of event of the past. The snooker table in the middle of the a is a reflection of the combination of shots already taken placet. So is the world, a combination of all the past events.

